If there is one thing that can derail a runner’s progress more than anything, it’s a running related injury. Some of the most common running injuries and conditions include: plantar fasciitis, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis, and hip and knee injuries. The one thing they all have in common, though, is misalignment. Misalignment in the spine […]
Tips for Cyclists
Whether you’re just getting started with cycling and you want to get the best possible start, or you’ve been cycling for a while and you want to take your ride to the next level, there are a few things you can do to improve your performance and get your best ride. Equipment A good ride […]
Strategies for Avoiding Leg Pain from Cycling
As exercise, cycling is excellent aerobic exercise for overall health and well being. As transportation, cycling is efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly. However, as with any exercise, there is some risk of injury. Cycling is demanding and repetitive, requiring stamina to keep going long enough to see benefits. The most common injuries in cyclists affect […]
Abdominal Separation Post Pregnancy
Abdominal separation or “diastasis recti” to give its medical term, is quite common during and after pregnancy. It is a condition in which the left and right halves of the stomach muscles, the Rectus Abdominis separate at the midline of the abdomen, the Linea Alba. This results in a ‘pooch’, the tummy sticking out. Carrying […]
What is a Food Allergy?
In Australia, an estimated 1 in every 10 babies born in the country expected to develop a food allergy, one of the highest allergy rates in the world. May hosts Food Allergy Week, an initiative intended to raise awareness of potentially life-threatening reactions. Food Allergies Defined When talking about allergies, it’s important to understand the […]
Reducing Your Risk of Being Injured in a Fall
Even though most falls, even in older adults, do not result in serious injury, the risk of a fall as well as the risk of injury from a fall increase after the age of about 65. In older adults, physiological changes like slowed reflexes and trouble with balance increase the risk of experiencing a fall, […]
Preventing Falls with Diet and Exercise
As the population ages, preventing falls becomes ever more important. According to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, over 80% of people over the age of 65 who are hospitalized for an injury were injured in a fall. Every year, about a third of people over the age of 65 experience at […]
The Importance of Good Sleep
World Sleep Day 2016 is March 18. The day is intended to raise awareness of sleep disorders and the importance of good sleep. This year’s sleep day slogan is “Good Sleep is a Reachable Dream”. If you’ve ever had trouble sleeping, you’re probably familiar with the irritability, lack of energy, and inability to focus that […]
Protecting Your Fertility
Do you know what age you are most fertile? When is the best time to conceive easily, naturally and with the least pregnancy complications? It is generally agreed that for both Men and Women it is in our early twenties or even younger! If you were (or are planning) partying, travelling, and having too much […]
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Why A Diagnosis Doesn’t Equal A Bleak Outlook
There are many conditions which are often left undiagnosed, and a lot of the time we don’t even realise we are suffering from them until complications arise. If you have ever heard of a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS for short, then there’s a good chance you are either suffering from it yourself, […]