Food allergies and intolerances are becoming more and more common.(1) Most people have what is known as an intolerance, and this is a totally different ball game to a real allergy, which can occasionally be life-threatening and in worst cases, fatal. The problem with a food allergy is that until it is diagnosed and the […]
Retained Neonatal Reflexes – Getting Help
When a child makes his or her entrance into the world, they are born with what we call primitive reflexes, or neonatal reflexes. These are tools which help him or her survive their early months of life, such as how to get attention, how to feed etc. Obviously as time goes on we would expect […]
Symptoms of Retained Neonatal Reflexes
Babies are born with certain reflexes, known as primitive or neonatal reflexes. Some of these reflexes, such as the rooting reflex and the sucking reflex, are vital to baby’s survival. Other reflexes are thought to be remnants of an earlier time in our evolutionary development. In most children, these reflexes fade as the baby’s brain […]
Run Faster, Ride Harder, Swim Longer – How chiropractic could help triathlon athletes
It’s common knowledge that a triathlon is one of the most challenging sporting events in the world. Athletes train tirelessly to reach the maximum levels of success, and back to back running, biking, and swimming takes its toll on even the fittest of individuals. Because of this, it’s no surprise that many end up with […]
Benefits of Babywearing for Mum and Baby
We’ve all seen mums lugging their babies around in carseats that weigh much more than baby does. Perhaps you’ve even been one of those mums. While it comes as no surprise that carrying baby in this way can cause back, neck, and shoulder problems for the person carrying baby, there is another disadvantage to carrying […]
Tennis Injuries: Prevention & Risk Factors
There are approximately 54 injuries per 1000 tennis matches played, which is roughly half the number of injuries that occur during the same number of soccer matches. Figures show that approximately 1,130,700 Australians in 2006 aged 15 years and older played tennis in the 12 months prior to being surveyed and that rate of tennis […]
Getting the Most From Your Tennis Game
Tennis is a great activity for getting fit. It requires speed, endurance, coordination, balance, and power. As with any sport, however, there are a number of injuries that can occur. We’ve all heard of tennis players suffering from tennis elbow, but only about 5% of people who experience tennis elbow actually play tennis. Besides tennis […]
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet and its Health Benefits
Inflammation is the body’s immune response to remove harmful pathogens, irritants, and damaged cells in order to start the healing process. Inflammation does not mean infection rather a sign or symptom of the body trying to heal itself. It acts as a self-protecting natural defense that helps wounds heal. Although inflammation is a good sign, […]
Traumatic Brain Injury Warning Signs
What first seemed like just a knock on the head can turn into a full-blown trauma. But how can you tell if is serious? What should you do if you have traumatic brain injury? Here are some important facts about traumatic injury. There are two types of brain injury – TBI and ABI. An Acquired […]
Event – 7 Keys Things You Can Do To Help Back Pain In Pregnancy
Are you pregnant and experiencing Back Pain? Do you want to know what the 7 keys for relieving pregnancy related back pain are? Come and join us for a FREE Health Talk. Click here to claim your place.