Blog - NeuroBalance Chiropractic

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) in Pregnancy

Aches and pains are normal part of most pregnancies, but only mothers who have been through SPD or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction can only understand the kind of pain and discomfort involved. Many pregnant women complain about pelvic pain, which normally range from minor ache to serious debilitating sensation around the back down to the belly. […]

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Understanding The Different Types Of Migraine And Non-Toxic Treatments

According to international healthcare group Bupa, about two million Australians are affected by migraines. Health specialists attribute the concerning statistics to the predominantly unhealthy lifestyle that most people have nowadays which is composed of a poor diet, stressful daily demands, and lack of schedule regularity. Aside from these, there are other known migraine triggers, such […]

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Before You Reach For That Pill – How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Get On Top Of Your Headache

When people experience headaches, their first impulse is to open the medicine cabinet and reach for pain relievers. However, it is not always advisable to depend on pain relievers to remedy a head throbbing in pain. Although medical experts have identified several types of headaches, in broad terms, these can be classified into four major […]

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Treatment Options for Meniscus Knee Injuries

Highly physical sports are demanding and brutal on an athlete’s body. Aside from the huge amount of stress that a player undergoes in games over a long season, he still has to sacrifice himself to rigorous training between match days and during the offseason. Even the cyclists in events such as the Tour de France […]

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Learn About Neck Pain And Its Treatment

Neck pain is one the more common pains that a person can experience – and, along with back pain and perhaps toothaches, one of the most bothersome. You’re quite likely to have experienced it before: after a long day of sitting and working away at a desk, or after going through an especially stressful experience […]

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Visiting A Chiropractor: What First-Time Sciatica Patients Can Expect

For many individuals, taking the best possible care of their bodies is the top priority. With so many available resources today on relevant health subjects like proper diets, ideal exercise routines, and preventative measures for a wide range of health conditions, keeping oneself in shape, free from common illnesses, and protected from possible accidents and […]

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A Primer On Back Pain

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ 2007-2008 National Health Survey, about 1.8 million Australians report experiencing back pain. In fact, reports of back problems rank higher than asthma, osteoarthritis and hypertension. Experts estimate that 70 to 90 percent of people will experience back problems at least at one point in their lives. What is […]

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Children With Retained Primitive Reflexes – How NeuroBalance Chiropractic on the Northern Beaches Can Help

Adults are hardwired to find babies cute because babies need to be taken care of, fed and protected. But apart from their cuteness, babies are born with what scientists call primitive reflexes. These primitive reflexes include the essential functions needed by a baby to survive for the first six months of his or her life, […]

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