Children's Health Archives - NeuroBalance Chiropractic

Archive | Children’s Health

Benefits of Babywearing for Mum and Baby

We’ve all seen mums lugging their babies around in carseats that weigh much more than baby does. Perhaps you’ve even been one of those mums. While it comes as no surprise that carrying baby in this way can cause back, neck, and shoulder problems for the person carrying baby, there is another disadvantage to carrying […]

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Children With Retained Primitive Reflexes – How NeuroBalance Chiropractic on the Northern Beaches Can Help

Adults are hardwired to find babies cute because babies need to be taken care of, fed and protected. But apart from their cuteness, babies are born with what scientists call primitive reflexes. These primitive reflexes include the essential functions needed by a baby to survive for the first six months of his or her life, […]

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