There are many conditions which are often left undiagnosed, and a lot of the time we don’t even realise we are suffering from them until complications arise. If you have ever heard of a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS for short, then there’s a good chance you are either suffering from it yourself, or you know someone who is.
Many people go for long periods of time without being diagnosed, because they simply put their symptoms down to period problems, however the good news is that there is much to help a woman with PCOS, and the outlook for pregnancy is certainly not as bleak as you may have been lead to believe.
The common train of thought is that if you have PCOS then you are going to find it impossible, or borderline impossible, to get pregnant, but the truth is that most women who have the condition can get pregnant, and it may simply be that a little help is needed along the way.
Here at NeuroBalance Chiropractic, we see and treat many women who are suffering from symptoms of PCOS, and whilst there is no cure for the condition, we can help put into place many effective treatment methods in order to make life much easier. Herbalist, Julia Davies, understands just how distressing this diagnosis can be for a woman, especially if she does have aspirations to have children in the future, but with a little help and advice, this dream can certainly be achieved for most women.
So, what is PCOS?
PCOS affects how a woman’s ovaries work, and for those suffering with the condition there are often found to be many tiny cysts (usually up to 8mm) on the ovaries. These cysts are undeveloped sacs, and in these sacs eggs develop. The problem comes when these sacs are unable to release the egg, and therefore the woman doesn’t ovulate. No ovulation obviously means no period, and no period means no chance of pregnancy, at least without a little help.
The symptoms of PCOS usually develop in the teenage years or the early 20s, however these symptoms could easily be put down to something else, which is often why there can be a delay in diagnosis. These symptoms include:
- Irregular periods, or a total lack of periods altogether
- Difficulty becoming pregnant
- Excessive hair growth, usually on the face, chest, and back
- Thinning hair on the head
- Weight gain
- Oily skin or spots
Women with PCOS often find it difficult to lose weight, however a healthy, balanced diet and plenty of exercise can help with this, and losing weight overall has been found to help with symptom control of the condition.
Of course, the main concern of women with PCOS is fertility. Whilst it can be slightly more difficult to become pregnant, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. There are many fertility medications which can help, and if these don’t work then there are minor surgical procedures which can help in your aim to conceive a child.
It’s definitely not a bleak outlook!
If you are struggling with the symptoms of PCOS, or you think you may be suffering from the condition without diagnosis, call the practice now on 02 9938 5456 to arrange an appointment. PCOS isn’t the grim outlook you might think it is, and with a little help and advice you can easily overcome any effects.
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