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A love of cycling?

Sport is good for you; it gets your heart racing, your body moving, and is fantastic for general health and wellbeing. Of course, like anything in life, injury is possible, and this is the general good with the bad situation. Having said that, there are many ways you can reduce the chance of a sporting […]

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Back Pain in Pregnancy

Back pain in pregnancy is a common problem, that thankfully in most cases can be treated naturally and safely with chiropractic care. We’ve produced this infographic with the most important information about this condition in an easily digestible form. Feel free to share it using the information below. Copy the code below to include this […]

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What is a true food allergy?

Food allergies and intolerances are becoming more and more common.(1) Most people have what is known as an intolerance, and this is a totally different ball game to a real allergy, which can occasionally be life-threatening and in worst cases, fatal. The problem with a food allergy is that until it is diagnosed and the […]

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Children With Retained Primitive Reflexes – How NeuroBalance Chiropractic on the Northern Beaches Can Help

Adults are hardwired to find babies cute because babies need to be taken care of, fed and protected. But apart from their cuteness, babies are born with what scientists call primitive reflexes. These primitive reflexes include the essential functions needed by a baby to survive for the first six months of his or her life, […]

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